Monday 10 December 2012

St Joseph P.U College, Bajpe


St Joseph PU College Bajpe

Welcome to the family of St. Joseph P.U. College Bajpe and we thank you for your decision to pursue your studies at this Institution. In our College you will find important policy, programme and curriculum information that will guide you in making decisions for the coming academic years.

In 1945, with the co-operation of the local people, Rev. Fr. Leo Carvalho, the parish priest, founded St. Joseph's High School, Bajpe, to cater to the educational needs of the poor children of Bajpe and its surrounding villages.

Since its inception, the institution has provided educational opportunities to everyone without making any kind of distinction. Eventually, the institution became a Junior College and came under the administration of the Catholic Board of Education in 1967.

The Christian Brothers, a Religious Congregation founded by Blessed Edmund Rice in Ireland, has been running this institution since 1979.


The Prayer room: The college has a prayer room prominently located which is visited frequently by the students and staff, finding in it a place of inspiration, personal reflection and prayer. Prayer services are conducted there in addition to the weekly Thursday Holy Mass at 9.00 A.M. in the College Auditorium.

Value Education: On every Tuesday morning before the regular classes begin the College offers an hour of Value Education, to give students skills in informed conscience formation and social justice awareness. All Catholic students are taught Catechism.

Immersion: The Outreach and immersion programmes are an integral part of the students' opportunity for growth in awareness. The College plans to further these programmes in the coming academic year. This would give them a chance to interact with the poor and the marginalized.

Counselling Services: Counselling service is provided to students to help them cope with academic and other emotional problems. Counselling is specially given to students who are academically slow, and have possible behavioral concerns. The College plans to have a Counsellor on a regular basis during the coming academic year.

Supervised Study: A unique feature of the College is supervised study of the students before regular classes for fifty minutes and thirty minutes of the lunch break for all the students. The science students benefit from the fact that the courses are covered in greater detail during the morning study period.

Additional Coaching: Keeping in mind the poor, the management caters to the slow learners who are identified and helped during the years. Regular coaching classes and tests are conducted during and after College hours free of cost.

Bridge Course in English: All the students who have studied in the Kannada Medium and slow learners will be offered a bridge course, in the month of June, to enhance their skills in communicative English, and their capacity to understand the language.

Supporting Schemes: The College offers mid-day meals, free of cost to some of the poor deserving students. Uniforms, books and fee concessions are offered to those in need.

The Library: The information needs of students and faculty are served in the library. To enable students to do personal work, the College    has    built    up with great care, adequate library facilities.

St Joseph PU College Bajpe

 Br Charles was the principle of the college

St Joseph  Bajpe
We give thanks for the extraordinary life of Br Charles and his significant contribution to our College.

Wheather you want any more information about st joseph p.u college, Bajpe please click below


  1. Best Institution in my Life ........................

  2. St. Joseph college is a Unforgettable moments in my life... I was really enjoyed in this college.....

  3. I love this college...............
